July 2019 newsletter


Blind Outdoor Leisure Development
BOLD welcomes persons 18 and older with all degrees of vision: blind, low vision, partially sighted and fully sighted.
PO Box 8114
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Editorial team: Veronique Schreurs, Nancy Leverett, Terri Winaught, Peggy Walsh
Email: boldwpa@gmail.com
Website: www.wpabold.blogspot.com


Tuesday July 2 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM: Bold Board meeting at the Human Services building, 1 Smithfield St., downtown. All are welcome to attend. Please call Tammi 412-951-6528 by 9pm Sunday June 30.

Saturday July 6, from noon until 5:00pm, no cost Gottschalk Swim Party in Moon Township at 15 Cherrington Lane, Coraopolis, PA 15108, the home of Evan and Alexa Gottschalk. Hamburgers and hot dogs and buns etc. provided. Terri Winaught at 412-263-2022 will be the reservationist. Tell her what side dish, dessert or snack you can bring to share. (It is not required). NO food allowed at the pool, so we don’t need too many snacks.

Wednesdays July 3, 17 & 31: Mall Walking will be held at the Monroeville Mall from 9 to 11 AM. To sign up with Peggy Walsh the Thursday before: 412-683-6070.

Three Rivers Rowing has started. The office number is 412-231-8772, ask for Danielle Roger. If you complete the rowing for the entire season and want to be reimbursed for half your cost, up to $100, call Veronique 412-225-4038.

For Ross Park Mall walk information: please call Andrea Schwartz at 724-444-0064.

Thursdays July 11, 18 & 25: Yoga at Squirrel Hill’s Schoolhouse Studio: 2215 Murray Ave, from 2:30 to 4 PM. Cost, $10 per person ($15 optional if the group is small). Reserve the Tuesday before with Peggy 412-683-6070 for July 11 & Veronique 412-225-4038 for July 18 & 25.


When the Gottschalk Swim Party is held on Saturday the 6th, Terri Winaught and helpers will sell 50/50 raffle tickets at the price of $1 each. Since some people asked last year what a 50/50 raffle is, it is a fundraiser in which the winner receives half of the ticket sale proceeds and the remainder goes into BOLD'S Treasury. As Fundraising chair, Terri thanks you in advance for your support.


We plan to have a kayak outing late in July or in August. Details in the next newsletter.

Sunday August 25, Waterskiing will be held with the Golden Triangle Water Ski Club, Nancy Leverett as the reservationist (see next newsletter for more information).


Summer recess!

To any dues-paid Bold member interested in free subscriptions for the 2019-2020 season of either Pittsburgh Chamber Music or the Symphony concerts, please call Joyce Driben 412-521-4385 by Sunday July 28 at the latest.


For interesting events at the Carnegie Library for the Blind (CLP-LBPH), 4724 Baum Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213: call 412-687-2440 for information.

On July 20-21, 2019 there will be a U.S. Blind Chess Championship Pittsburgh PA, for more information call Nita Patel 603-716-3040.

Penny Fleckenstein is asking people to pray for healing for her sister Darunee Wilson who is living in Connecticut.

Condolences and compassion to Karen Good and family on the May 27 death of husband and father John Good. Having attended the afternoon viewing on May 30, this writer was heartened to see so many supportive attendees. He will always be remembered fondly as the wild man on skis!

All the best to Marty Mathews who recently moved into a new Independent Living community in the South Hills: 4752 Clairton Blvd, White Hall PA 15236. Her cell phone stays the same.

Congratulations also to Kimberly Smythe who recently won a $25 giant Eagle gift card.

Happy Birthday to Bonnie Newland and Ashley Winaught and anyone else with a July birthday.
Thanks to all who contributed to the making of this newsletter.

PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE by Peggy on the Highland Park Picnic Saturday June 1st ...
Many BOLD Thanks to the Jablonowskis & fellow-volunteers from The Catholic Alumni Club for their generous gift to blind/vision impaired BOLD-sters who enjoyed a full day of outdoor games, plentiful snacks & a delicious varietous meal. Many special thanks to Missy and Mitch Demchack for helping with the food at Ray’s picnic.

Many went home with lots of leftovers! Congratulations to Natasha & Erin for winning brother Bob's name drawing. There were six card game winners, though two won a never-finished game by default! Thanks to Jim Musto for atmospheric accordion playing, & to Dave Popoleo for his comic a capella song, in English & Italian, about a troublesome mouse who finally gets trapped! Weather perfect, spirits high -- what a magical start to a delightful summer!